Getting Help

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The CIS Department has a dedicated team of system administrators to handle most questions, however it is important to follow a few guidelines when asking for help.

Web Documentation

The first location to check for information regarding your question or concern is here at the CS Support site. The User Guide and FAQ have answers to the vast majority of questions you may have.

Asking for Help

In order to manage the tremendous volume of email and requests that we receive each day, we utilize an application called TeamDynamix (TDX) that creates a "ticket" for each request email we receive. Here are a few guidelines that you should follow to receive the most prompt support.

By E-mail -- preferred method of support

  • Send to the correct address. Only send help requests to or These email addresses will ensure that your request is seen by all of the administrators and can be handled by the most qualified member of our staff.
  • Watch the ticket number. After you send an email to TDX, it will assign a ticket number to your request. Every correspondence regarding that ticket should contain the ticket number in the subject line. This will ensure that your correspondence isn't lost and is always attached to your ticket.
  • Don't drop the hash. All TDX tickets include a hash, looks sort of like a signing key, at the bottom. When replying to a ticket via email, you must include this hash or the ticket will not get appended properly.
  • One request per ticket. Each request email should contain only one (1) request. Placing multiple requests into a single ticket makes tracking what you need harder for the team. This includes the initial email and also after your issue has been resolved. This means hitting "reply" to an old support ticket is an invalid way to make a new request.
  • Use a descriptive subject line. Please use a descriptive and meaningful subject line for your email. Here are some examples:
    • Examples of good subject lines:
      • "I cannot login via SSH to"
      • "M: drive not mapped at login"
      • "Personal web page gives 500 Internal Server Error"
      • "Request for Microsoft Visual Studio"
    • Examples of bad subject lines:
      • "cannot login"
      • "account broken"
      • "webpage"
      • "printers"
    • Examples of horrible subject lines:
      • "help"
      • "please help"
      • "problem"
      • "please fix"
  • Include exact wording of any error messages you are seeing.
  • Specify the specific computer, host, or system you are having trouble with. Many problems are "location dependant". Including the exact location of the problem speeds most troubleshooting tremendously.

Using the Service Desk Portal

You can also open a TDX ticket by visiting the Service Desk portal. Once you login you can navigate to the Service Catalog, and then Desktop and Mobile Computing, and finally Desktop and Mobile Device Support. From here you can Report an issue or Request service. Even if you need help with a department server, this is the fastest way to reach CS IT support staff. Using other ares of the portal will take longer for tickets to route to us. To save some time searching, you can always click here to go directly to the correct page in the portal.

By Phone

We are reachable through the CS office (785) 532-6350. E-mail requests are typically handled faster than phone calls, but a phone call can sometimes be an appropriate way to follow up on a request.

In Person

The systems staff have offices in Engineering Hall 2217 and 2218. One of us is usually available between 9:00am and 5:00pm, Monday through Friday. However, again, email is the preferred method for support.

Via Discord

IT staff generally watch several channels on Discord. If you ping us during the day, one of us will most likely see it. If (and only if) there is a dire emergency after hours, eg something is on fire or general health is at risk, you can trying pinging one of us on Discord. If we are available and get the notification, we may be ably to help you. This should never be your first course of action. You forgetting your password does not constitute a dire emergency.