The main computing platforms in CIS are Sun Solaris, Linux, and Microsoft Windows.
For a detailed list of computers in our department, see the Computing Labs page.
Wireless Access
The CIS Wireless network is now managed by the K-State Computing and Network Services (CNS) department. To gain access to the network, you will need to have a valid [[1]] and follow [instructions] listed on the CNS website.
Remote Access
Remote Windows Access
You may connect to one of two Remote Desktop servers in CIS from anywhere on- or off-campus.
To connect to a server using your CIS credentials and have access to your home directory and other department resources, open a remote desktop connection to `remote.cis.ksu.edu`. Set the domain to `WIN`, and use your CIS username and password to login.
To connect to a server using your KSU credentials (like Webmail, iSIS, or KSOL), open a remote desktop connection to `remote-ksu.cis.ksu.edu`. Set the domain to `USERS` and use your eID and password to login.
Remote Linux Access
You may remotely access the department Linux shell server from anywhere on- or off-campus an SSH client. While on another Unix-based machine (such as BSD, Linux, Solaris, or MacOS X) you can open a terminal window and type:
ssh cislinux.cis.ksu.edu
ssh cisunix.cis.ksu.edu
If you want to do this from Microsoft Windows, then you need to locate a secure shell program, such as [[2]].
Transferring Files
To upload or download files between your local system and your CIS account, an SCP program is recommended. Like SSH, SCP is secure. A popular SCP program for Microsoft Windows is [[3]].
Another way to transfer files from a Linux host is using the command line. Start with logging in with an SFTP sesion with
sftp username@cislinux.cis.ksu.edu
To upload files
put local_filename remote_filename
To upload a direcotry
put -r local_directory/ remote_directory/
To download files
get remote_filename local_filename
To downlaod a directory
get -r remote_directory/ loacl_directory/
Due to security concerns, we are trying to eliminate clear text passwords from being sent over the Internet. Thus, use of telnet, FTP, POP3, and non-encrypted IMAP have been disabled.