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==== Mapping a Network Drive ====
==== Mapping a Network Drive ====
# Right-click on <code>My Computer</code> and choose <code>Manage...</code>
<li>Open <code>File Explorer</code> and
# You can use any drive letter that's available on your system.  For the Folder use <code>\\files.cs.ksu.edu\eID</code>.
  <li type="a">click on <code>This PC</code> on the left side</li>
# Click on <code>different user name</code> and enter your cis authentication credentials.
  <li type="a">click on <code>Computer</code> at the top</li>
  <li type="a">click <code>Map network drive</code><br>
# Click <code>OK</code>
# Click <code>Finish</code>
# Go to <code>My Computer</code> and the network drive should now be there.
<li>You can use any drive letter that's available on your system.  For the Folder use <code>\\files.cs.ksu.edu\eID</code> where <code>eID</code> is your eID.<br>
<li>Check the box for <code>Connect using different credentials</code> and enter your CS authentication credentials when prompted. Remember to use the <code>WIN2</code> domain for your login as shown below.<br>
<li>Click <code>OK</code></li>
<li>Click <code>Finish</code></li>
<li>Go to <code>This PC</code> in the File Explorer and the network drive should now be there.<br>
=== OS X ===  
=== OS X ===  

Latest revision as of 12:58, 29 November 2016

Accessing from Personal Computers


Quick Direct Access

You may reach your home directory from your own laptop on campus by using the network name \\files.cs.ksu.edu\eID. Going to Start > Run... and using this name should ask for authentication and then show your home directory files.

Mapping a Network Drive

  1. Open File Explorer and
    1. click on This PC on the left side
    2. click on Computer at the top
    3. click Map network drive
      This pc annotated.png
  2. You can use any drive letter that's available on your system. For the Folder use \\files.cs.ksu.edu\eID where eID is your eID.
    Map network drive.png
  3. Check the box for Connect using different credentials and enter your CS authentication credentials when prompted. Remember to use the WIN2 domain for your login as shown below.
    Network credentials.png
  4. Click OK
  5. Click Finish
  6. Go to This PC in the File Explorer and the network drive should now be there.
    This pc after.png


  1. Select the Finder application (clicking on the desktop is one way of doing this).
  2. Press the hotkey apple + k. You should see a window similar to this:
    Osx homedir 1.png
  3. Fill in the appropriate info. All you should have to change from the example is replacing jprintz with your eID. Also, you can use the + button to keep the entry in the list for easier access later.
  4. Click the Connect button, you should be prompted with an authentication dialog like this:
    Osx homedir 2.png
  5. Login with your CIS account name and password just as you would on a lab machine.
  6. Click the OK button, and your home directory should appear in a Finder window.
    Osx homedir 3.png
  7. You can use the link in the left part of the Finder window to get back to your home directory later, as long as you don't lose your network connection.
  8. When you're ready to disconnect the drive just click on the eject button next to the folder link in the Finder window.

K-State VPN

You may also access your files from off-campus by using the VPN software supplied by ITS. We do not support this software ourselves, so please contact iTAC if you need assistance with it.

Special Cases

Temporary Directories

Under our Linux systems, please be aware that any file placed inside of the /tmp directory may be deleted after 24 hours. In order to keep the disks on our systems from filling up from temporary files, any file older than 1 day is deleted from the system on a regular basis (generally every hour).

Temporary Project Space

If you are working on a project and need space to place large binary distributions (such as web servers, database servers, etc.) we may give you a special directory to work in. If you need such space, please send a request to the system administrators.

Software Installation

We have a large amount of software installed on most of our systems for student use, but you may require other software for a project or course work. We permit students to install software they need in their home directory.

If you think an application would be of value to yourself and other students, you may send an email to the system administrators for software to be installed.